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The Swimway Wadden Sea project has brought together researchers, managers and interest groups. The following organisations contribute their expertise in the search for answers to the project’s principal questions.


The Waddenvereniging (Wadden Sea Association) defends the interests of the Wadden Sea by responding to all developments in the area and by involving as many stakeholders as possible in its work. All standpoints taken by the association are based on facts and scientific research. To this end, the association cooperates in projects that increase knowledge about the Wadden Sea, such as Waddentools Swimway Wadden Sea.

The Waddenvereniging is the project coordinator and shares its progress and findings with the public and the Wadden Sea managers.

Wageningen Marine Research

Wageningen Marine Research contributes knowledge, independent scientific research and advice to ensure more sustainable and careful management, use and protection of natural resources in marine, coastal and freshwater areas. WMR carries out research and monitoring in the Wadden Sea and has branch offices in IJmuiden, Den Helder and Yerseke.

Within the Swimway project, Wageningen Marine Research conducts research into small pelagic fish and large fish in the Wadden Sea, and the future prospects for Wadden Sea fish. Wageningen Marine Research is also responsible for the scientific coordination of the project.

Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ)

As the national oceanographic research institute, NIOZ has been carrying out multidisciplinary fundamental research into scientific issues concerning the functioning of deltas and coastal areas, seas and oceans for almost 145 years. NIOZ is part of NWO-I (the Institutes Organisation of the Dutch Research Council) and works closely with Utrecht University. NIOZ has an office on the Wadden Island of Texel.

Within the Swimway project, NIOZ is involved in research on the use of the Wadden Sea by large fish and the future prospects for fish in the Wadden Sea.

University of Groningen

The Faculty of Science and Engineering at the University of Groningen (RUG) is home to a wide range of STEM disciplines. One of these is marine biology, and much of this research takes place in the Wadden Sea.

Within the Swimway project, the University of Groningen is involved in research into the significance of shellfish beds and the salt marshes for fish.

Sportvisserij Nederland

The angling association Sportvisserij Nederland is a platform for knowledge and information on all aspects of water and fish stock management. The association works independently and with several partners on centrally managed databases that contain information on fish stocks, fishing rights, fish habitats and water quality. The association contributes practical knowledge and experience to various projects. Sportvisserij also has expertise in fitting sharks and rays with transmitters.

In the Swimway project, Sportvisserij Nederland establishes the link with anglers and is involved in transmitter research.


Rijkswaterstaat manages and protects the Wadden Sea together with other government bodies, regional managers, emergency services and civil society organisations. As water, coast and nature manager, Rijkswaterstaat believes the natural dynamics of tides, wind and waves should be left as undisturbed as possible.

Good management requires an understanding of the water system and the ecology of the tidal flats. To this end, Rijkswaterstaat stimulates and facilitates research within Swimway Wadden Sea where necessary and incorporates the results in its daily management activities.


The project receives financial support from the Waddenfonds (Wadden Fund), the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, and the provinces of Groningen, Friesland and North Holland.